Users can browse a wide variety of tattoo designs categorized by style, theme, and body placement.
Drag your tattoos around the photo
To create a feature that allows users to drag and position tattoo designs on their photos
Interactive Tools
Rotate: Users can rotate the tattoo to fit the natural contours of their body.
Move: Users can move the tattoo to different positions on the photo.
Scale: Users can resize the tattoo to ensure it fits well and looks proportionate.
File Upload Option
To provide users with an easy and efficient way to upload their photos for virtual tattoo try-on. This feature will enable users to visualize how different tattoo designs will look on their body by allowing them to upload a photo and manipulate these designs through scaling, rotating, and moving.
Seamlessly Share Across Platforms!
Share directly to Instagram ,Facebook, Twitter, WhatsApp (all Social media apps), or send as a text message!
Mobile App available on App Store
Please find below for a tattoo mobile app that we have developed that we can customize
according to your brand and deliver the same to you.